Tuesday, December 24, 2013
The Eve
New love song of the year!
So sweeeeetttt!! ccwwhhheeettt....!!!
Another song that will make you feel like you wanna get married.
There's always some songs that will make you feel like marrying.
Want to be in the white dress so badly!!!!
This would be it.
You know what?
I used to imagine myself and everyone I love suit up for my big day and this song is being played.
Well yeah, silly me!
It's not that I have the wish to be in the white dress no more. =)
There's so many other things in life that you need to catch up with besides all the little white thing! =D
It's the night of Christmas again.
The time of the year, the season of greetings!!!
I have always have a wish,
I wish to kiss with my beloved under the mistletoe,
in the snow.
Awwww.... Isn't it sweet? =P
Speaking about sweetness, isn't it sweet to have someone who would loves you unconditionally?
There is always someone who will be there for me.
Someone knowing that he himself is not good enough, willing to work extra hard to give me all that I wish for.
Someone knowing that he has different levels of education and background, and yet, willing to be there for me no matter what.
Why would such loving people exists?
Too bad I prefer not to hurt people so kind...
I'll be cursed.... =((
Would someone I love heartily do all these for me....?
Dreams remain dreams.
:: regards ::
PS: Merry Merry Christmas people. Have an awesome one =)
Monday, December 2, 2013
The Will
If someone could have sing this song to me,
even though it is not meant for me..
Even just the feel of it, I am willing to do anything! Just Anything!!
Too bad I couldn't get a high quality version in the YouTube.
So sorry for that.
Looking back at time.
My aunt showed me the will my uncle did few years back.
The feeling was...
It's so sweet and deary..
What could make someone willingly make a will, just to give you all that he/she once had?
Where does the generosity comes from?
Will I have that "one day"?
It really caught me thinking..
Isn't that something really meaningful and touched that money couldn't buy?
I once told someone that I would say yes to a proposal if one particular song was played during the proposal.
I once said that, but for now, I can't even remember what song was that?
Hmmm. It really got me thinking.
All that I could remember is that, it's a female singer.
What a joke Rachel Ngiam. You can't even remember what you said before.
Or so to say, what you've once promised! LOL!
Seeing this, YEAP! I went for the Extreme Challenge in Bukit Cahaya, Shah Alam with 2 rascals!
These 2 were not in my life for the past 22 years.
Only this year that they exist.
I experienced the flying fox.
The tubings.
The IDoNotKnowWhatAreTheNamesOfTheChallenges.
I am happily saying that,
I have been through there.
Done that! =D
Seeing this.
Ah hah! You're right!
I've got myself a haircut!
The oh-so-long hair have been with me ever since secondary school.
I have no guts to chop them off!
Of course, the friend used to not allowing me to cut my hair.
He likes them to be long.
So eventually I have to follow his "advice".
Bah~ Not to blame him la.
I didn't have the guts also.
But seriously.
I do personally think that they are not short enough?
Whatcha think? ;)
I found my love back for JJ Lin.
I have the urge to see his concert.
I have been planted my love him for in my deep heart core when I was with the friend.
He doesn't like him.
He thinks that he's sissy with the voice that he's having.
Oh com'on!
That's the voice I love!
That's the voice that made him unique.
I was so dumb that I thought heeding his "likes" would be better for the relationship and eventually,
I stopped listening to his songs.
Until recently, whereby JJ will be here for a concert.
I start YouTubing his songs.
Looking at the dusty albums of his at the corner of the shelf, it teared me apart.
I hid all that I wanted and all that I loved for the friend whom does not worth a cent.
What a joke.
For what I am today,
I love my family and friends that believed me with the ridiculous story that started ever since 19th November 2012.
Time flies and Christmas in on the way!
It's gonna be the second Christmas without the friend.
I'm actually looking forward to it!
Er Jie existed last year and made my Christmas filled with so much of love.
She gave me a lovely watch that I could never asked for.
It's irreplaceable.
Well as for this year, Mr. E is with me.
He's a belated Christmas pressie from 2012 and early Christmas pressie in 2013.
Can't wait for the family gathering!
Can't wait for the laughter and fun!
Another year older, but a lot more wiser.
LOL - Lots of Love! hugs and kisses! XOXO
:: regards ::
PS: I want pressie!! I want to experience the feel of unwrapping!!! =O
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
The Gorilla
I have some special feeling towards this song.
I don't really understand why it would get into my senses so deeply, but, it's truly amazing! =)
Listening to Bruno Mars in the night is really making me excited and non-sleepy.
So highly motivated to move and shake around.
Can you imagine me grooving in front of my lappy while chatting with DellynnLim the Kuen in the Messenger? Oh... What an enjoyable life that I'm having.
I seriously enjoy this kind of moments.
Feels like back in school, no worries or anything, just some intimacy with the bed and only the bed, while eyes on the screen, be it the lappy or the TV, with a very comfortable temperature plus a soft and tendered comforter.
I am a pretty silly person, a little hilarious I would say.
Hanky panky once in a while.
Just another ordinary girl.
Living in my own world.
With the thoughts that fairy tales do exist.
And then this man came into my life.
In the sweater I bought for both of us.
This cute little young man.
Instead of Handsome I would say.
He came into my life.
He pushed himself to the limit just to fulfill my dream.
He put himself into a little bit of an issue just to make me a happy girl.
No doubt that I do not agree with men not being wise enough when it comes to girls.
Seriously, it's sweet and touching.
But it's a heartache knowing that you are in such a situation.
Well, put yourself in my shoes perhaps?
Can you feel my heartache?
Still, I thank this man for crushing into my life.
Thank you that you willing to go through what you have gone through just to make it works with me.
Where the rhyme goes,
You would just know, that this is the right one.You just know!
Well, not really once in a while perhaps, it's most of the time.
But I know, you do understand what is the only thing I wished that you would do for me...
I know you do aware of it and trying to make it real.
Thank you for wanting to make it real for me...
And ...
RS? Seriously?
It's a little too paced up, but I love the sound of it.
Ms. Rachel Shiaw? HAHAHAHA.
Alrighty, it's getting late.
Time to have real intimacy with the bed and pillow and comforter. =)
2 more nights to seeing you Mr. E. =D
:: regards ::
PS: Baby, your help would truly be appreciated... I can assure you that it would be worthy in the end... We both want the same outcome, right? I don't mean to give you pressure, but that's the only solution to the pursuit of happiness, the dreams becoming reality... XOXO
Monday, November 18, 2013
The Loneliness
What an amazing and lovely song by Sammi Cheng and Andy Hui.
It's very beautiful that they are back together.
Hola people!
Here I am in Ipoh staying alone in the room for the night.
First time, staying alone in a hotel.
Some new experience! =D
Talking about experiences.
I used to blame the ex for letting me go through this this that that.
I would tell myself, ITS YOU WHO LET ME HAVING TO GO THROUGH ALL THESE, the hard times I would say.
But as for today, I THANK HIM for everything that he has done to me.
Making me a tougher, braver and better person I would say.
Thanks to his girlfriend, I told myself that I would not be a third party.
I would not a someone who sabotages somebody's relationship.
I am not living for men, I am living for myself and my family, as well as the people who love me for who I am.
I would not want to be someone whom the people around me would not be proud of.
It's a free world out there.
If you're fast enough, you would be able to get it.
Please come earlier tomorrow for those who're slow =)
It's initiatives and self-motivation which matter the most in this realistic world.
It doesn't mean that you have the privilege to slow down yourself when you're living in a slow paced environment.
A friend I know is pretty motivating actually.
He has been living in Adelaide, the slow and steady, dreaded small town I would say, for years.
He went for classes even though he has been earning quite an amount.
It's a fair world.
You are what you eat, you are what you learned.
Hmmm, speaking of which, I am actually looking for some short courses or classes that I could join.
What might it be?
Any suggestions?
What I want in my life now is, PLAY!
Is that even possible?
The question now is: HOW
I wanna see this with my own eyes next year!! ;]
:: regards ::
PS: I have faith! =D
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Words
Came across this amazing song which has,
The rhythm rights.
The lyrics right.
The feeling's right.
The mood being right as well.
How could someone brings up the song so well with only simple lyrics?
That's genius!
Well, there are just too many things seem to be holding me back as to fulfilling my dreams.
Dreams remain dreams?
Just too concerned with certain things that everything was being drawn backwards.
Knocking on heaven's door...
:: regards ::
PS: I just want to live a life with "less" worries and just focusing on "pursuing" happiness. Would that be even possible?
Monday, November 4, 2013
The Past
Something that I have found recently really got me into thinking.
Question is:
Do you keep the "things" that your X have given to you?
Honestly speaking, I threw away most of the X's stuffs.
But, there are still certain things that I am keeping and no doubt, it reminded me some of the moments we have spent together.
He is always a fan for razer, a fan for apple.
Thanks to him, I am a girl with a so called "boyish" behaviour most people would say cause people tend to draw my attention when I see them having razer thingy.
I started to be fancy for the mouse, the lanyard, the cap, and things like that.
I never used to be so proud of having them, until I met him.
For now, I am still using the White Razer mouse that he gave to me.
It's old, but, I think I understand what does the mouse meant to him.
A thought flashing through me is that, should I give it back to him?
Should I?
To be honest, I never really gave me a "present" which I can keep as for remembrance.
I only have the things and the books we bought together during our traveling moments, but, those things, they don't really have much impact to me.
I don't have feelings for them cause its not what he has given to me.
All that I could remember is that, the roses, the lilies that he has given to me.
They were definitely lovely.
I could bet that many outsiders were "red-eyed" towards me.
I have made him a few cardboards when we first getting together.
He was just starting his days in Kampar, which is the main reason why I made them for him, so that there could be something that let him know that, he's not alone, never alone.
As what I can remember, there were two of them.
For now, i really wonder whether they still keep them...
Does it mean something if he still keeps it with him?
So as for me, does it mean something if I still keep some of the things that my X'es "made" for me?
Vern Yeong did made me a very thoughtful christmas card.
He has been a very creative and wonderful person in art.
I always fancy his drawings.
So beautiful!
Still remember very well that he was so mad when I won over him in a art drawing competition. It was fun.
Glad that I am still friend with Vern Yeong.
But as for EuGene, is it a waste that we never talk again?
I met Ah Ma previously.
I did think that Ah Ma would be my Ah Ma previously.
His conversation with ah Ma is always funny, entertaining.
So now, does it mean something when we still keep what the X gave to us?
Would it lead to a problem in your current relationship?
Is it Okay to keep them would you?
If you know that it would lead to an issue, would you still keep them with you?
It really keeps me pondering....
:: regards ::
PS: I am feeling... I need a getaway!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Fringe
The edge of life.
I truly understand that people have to go through death in life.
Things have seem to change,
But one thing that is still the same...
In my heart you still remain.
Things have not been running smooth for the month of October.
My uncle has been unwell.
Despite the fact that I am not truly close with him.
But still, we are under one roof, the impact is there..
Pity him that he has been checking in and out from hospitals for the month.
His strong will that keeps him fighting throughout the days made me really wanna shed some tears.
The fact that seeing him in pain but being unable to ease the pain for him hurts the most.
Yes, I would be really glad and honored to rectify everything that have went wrong in him.
The worst scene is the time where I arrive at the wad and when people are closing the curtains around him.
It teared me apart.
So badly that I would just break down and cry.
I knew that things wouldn't be good since then.
And so it goes.... he stopped breathing..
And for now, for that his funeral has passed.
Everything has been settled and came to a halt.
I was so effin tired then I just fainted on my bed when I got home.
But still, I got disturbed by Mr. E's loudspeaker.
Well, he was very tired.
He spent as much time with the family, or probably, more time helping them out.
I wonder where did his energy comes from?
Booyah! I'm now a confirmed employee in the company.
Of course, adding more kah ching to my bank account.
It feels good being confirmed in 4 months!
Being a freshie! I feel kinda satisfied with myself compared to those non-freshies!
Yes! Having more allowance = shorten my time to save some kah ching for more traveling and exploration!
Yes, I wish to visit "this number" of countries by the age of 25!!
Yeah, I do plan to do some investment, but not now..
I still wanna play!
Looking forward to going to Singapore in 2 days?
Hmmm. I wonder.
No monday blue for tomorrow! =D
Glad for being in the company for that they have replacement holidays for public holidays falling on weekend! Adding more time for me to be able to spend some time lazying at home.
We have been visiting the hospitals a little too much for the past month!
Life is too short to keep mourning.
Have fun. Enjoy peace. Love yourself. Love people.
Love life.
Uncle Ambrocio, glad to know that you're in a better place now.
You are no longer in pain.
You are very healthy now.
You will definitely be missed.
Don't worry about ah mai and Jayboy kor kor.
We love you, for sure.
With this, we bid you good bye, eternally....
:: regards ::
PS: Love makes us stronger.
PSS: Thank you Mr. E for your patience and love showered.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Uncertainties
One problem with me is that, I always have a mindset.
I always pre-set my mind into fear before "something" bad really happen.
Some people says that I worry for the unexpected, which is "unnecessary".
Where else some people claim it to be "expecting the unexpected".
For me is that, its good to expect. But it's bad to worry for the unexpected.
But, honestly, I can't help but to be worried.
Is there a right for me not to worry?
Seriously, I do not think I have the "honor" to not to worry.
Once again, I feel afraid with the upcoming roads ahead.
I used to have things planned.
Very well planned.
I wanna do this by
I wanna go here go there by this this this and that.
I wanna have this by this this this and that.
I was very proud with my achievements at the age of 18, 21 and then now, 23.
Seriously, that wasn't my problem.
But it seemed to be that I am being drown by those problems.
It feels scary and devastating to be starting from negative instead of zero.
I feel guilty that I could not act as if nothing is happening cause seriously, that's what that is happening.
And seriously, I want to have a certain, a stable, an affirmative road ahead.
It feels like living in the darkness.
This is definitely what I am feeling now.
I wish that I have the ability to settle it all at one go!
I don't wanna be living in fear.
The feeling sucks.
How long can I bear with it more?
It'll always be difficult and unwilling to let go.
But, can I really handle it for another year or so?
Even if I give it a year, would it be settled?
I do not wish it to be a never ending story... It hurts..
:: regards ::
PS: Just go away!
I always pre-set my mind into fear before "something" bad really happen.
Some people says that I worry for the unexpected, which is "unnecessary".
Where else some people claim it to be "expecting the unexpected".
For me is that, its good to expect. But it's bad to worry for the unexpected.
But, honestly, I can't help but to be worried.
Is there a right for me not to worry?
Seriously, I do not think I have the "honor" to not to worry.
Once again, I feel afraid with the upcoming roads ahead.
I used to have things planned.
Very well planned.
I wanna do this by
I wanna go here go there by this this this and that.
I wanna have this by this this this and that.
I was very proud with my achievements at the age of 18, 21 and then now, 23.
Seriously, that wasn't my problem.
But it seemed to be that I am being drown by those problems.
It feels scary and devastating to be starting from negative instead of zero.
I feel guilty that I could not act as if nothing is happening cause seriously, that's what that is happening.
And seriously, I want to have a certain, a stable, an affirmative road ahead.
It feels like living in the darkness.
This is definitely what I am feeling now.
I wish that I have the ability to settle it all at one go!
I don't wanna be living in fear.
The feeling sucks.
How long can I bear with it more?
It'll always be difficult and unwilling to let go.
But, can I really handle it for another year or so?
Even if I give it a year, would it be settled?
I do not wish it to be a never ending story... It hurts..
:: regards ::
PS: Just go away!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Life
This song has always been mesmerizing, but I didn't know that it could be "that" mesmerizing till I heard it live.
I practically teared when I heard Eason Chen started singing this particular song.
It was so touching! I was being touched so badly!
Yes, the misses that you'll get when you're apart or yada yada something like that.
Honestly, I had no idea how it got straight into my heart, the soul probably.
And so, I got this tickets from a friend.
Yeah. The most expensive seats.
Good vision and stuff.
I know, I'm very lucky indeed.
To best honest, I do think that I am very fortunate to have these beautiful people existing in my life.
And of course, this applies to the firm that I'm currently working at.
They are beautiful, very nice people.
Yours truly.
FYI, I am never a super fan for him.
I hear his songs of course.
But I never play his songs myself.
I heard from the Utarians and WenYao, I also heard from the ex.
It appeared to me that he was a super fan for him.
There are a few songs that he particularly loves them for.
And now, Mr. E is another super fan for Eason Chen.
Oh gawd.
But you know what?
The feeling of hearing all the amazing songs from Eason with Mr. E, IT WAS MESMERIZING. =)
Us getting "crazy".
The bad news about the concert was, IT RAINED.
The good news?
Does it rhymes? Hmmm.
Well, I enjoyed much in the rain.
I hope, WE enjoyed =)
Thankfully, I had these!
Teehee! =D
We saw him clearly from our seats.
The seats was awesome.
At the price of zero,
We are enjoying the benefit of Hero.
Yeah! =P
Thank you very much to the Madam who done this for me, for us.
I love you.
I love us.
Sounds familiar?
Heck yeah.
I personally think this is cute!
Don't you think so?
I have been pretty much occupied.
Very glad that I'm making full use of the time I have.
No longer slacking much, doing nothing.
Of course, I still slack, but when I do, I slack for a pretty good reason! =)
I'm back on track with English Series!
A lot more to catch up with!
Hell yeah! YeeHaw! =D
:: Regards :::
PS : I am glad that I actually attended the concert. Somemore please! =))
PSS : Me want vacations! =|
Thursday, October 3, 2013
The Heart
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart?
I have always been a fan of Taylor's.
I have all of her songs in the playlist.
One of my colleagues asked me for her songs today.
Yeah! I manage to infect another person to fall in love with Taylor.
Her songs are truly amazing! Isn't it? =)
I've pretty occupied recently.
Many events/seminars on going with the company.
Up next, LabAsia!
It'll definitely be my first time in the event.
Seriously, I like having seminars or events.
I can learn at the same time expand my social network.
For sure, I'm intending to expand my networking.
It's something pretty fun!
And honestly, I would like to have some recognition in the market that I'm emerged in now. =D
My first time witnessing fireworks competition in Malaysia.
What's even better is that it's the fireworks produced by the country I admire the most.
With this, I recalled telling my ex that my dream country would be Dubai.
Burj Khalifa
It is still my dream to be able to witness the building Burj Khalifa with my own naked eyes.
How truly amazing building!
Don't you just love UAE??!
This is the Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi.
Besides, there's one beach in UAE with many many colorful flags on the beach.
But sadly, I couldn't get to find the pictures of the beach.
I don't know what is it called as well.
I would love to take pictures in the beautiful colorful flags-beach with the white on!
Herh. I could imagine myself taking photographs with wedding gowns but I could not imagine myself getting married.
That would be - Mesmerizing! LOL!
Let's play by the ear then! =D
Time's up for today.
I'm tired!
:: regards ::
PS: Sadly, I don't think the fireworks last night was good. Probably I expected a lil too much! =\
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Mirror
Mr E likes this song!
Hahahah! No doubt, I like this song also.
It's stupid but I like the rhythm and the lyrics makes you want to just laugh!
Just like, THE FOX - YLVIS.
I just noted that Ylvis they actually have other songs.
One of them is called Stonehenge.
Listen to the song yourself and be inspired by the lyrics! LOL!!
I wanted to watch The Internship so badly!
I wanted to have sashimi so badly!
I wanted to travel so badly!
Could I possibly elope to Bangkok for 3-4 nights in November?
I just want some shopping?
Could I do that?
How could someone tickle my nose and ears during my sleep?
I was sleeping so soundly and there's fingers annoying me.
What the hell?
And guess what?
I have some snoring as my alarm now! HAHAHAHHA
So annoying that I just wanna throw my phone away!
Time to call it Wednesday!
Gonna go out for some appointment then go home! =P
:: regards ::
PS : I regret taking the exam for this coming Saturday. FML!!!!!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The Mind
The laziness strikes and I just wanna lay low, continue laying on my bed.
Doing nothing else, but pampering.
Pampering and more pampering.
Yes. I enjoy slacking doing nothing.
I did nothing much productive for the day.
And I was just browsing through the pictures on my hard disk.
I was actually looking back at those pictures on the places I went together with the villain.
Well, they were indeed precious moments spent.
Those were memories.
Well, I'm not really sure if you love me or love me not.
But I pretty love myself.
I just love being me.
Like effin seriously okay!
Checking on the calendar, oh man! It's less than 3 hours to 22nd September, the 1 year anniversary!
Oh well, time flies.
It feels like it was only yesterday that I was being bullied so badly.
I cried, I mourned, I yell, I sobbed.
All that I had done was only spending my time on the bed, crying myself to sleep.
Awake, tried to bite a little, but I had no appetite at all then continue crying and then sleep.
I was only texting and calling people so that they could talk to me.
Trying to get an answer as to what had happened.
The most irony part was, I was still trying to find excuses for the villain.
Lord knows how much of pain that I have been through.
My family, my relatives, my friends, those who really loves me, but I made them through a pretty bad heart ache.
But, there's where I found true loves that was being showered by the people around me.
DellynnLim the Kuen hugged and cried together with me so badly.
That she even felt reluctant to leave Peninsular, worrying that I couldn't get myself back.
The real friends that have so much faith in me that they stayed by my side through the thick and thin.
I truly appreciate them all.
I love LeeMunMun as well.
Its amazing how could she mean so much to me.
And that I actually spent my days and nights to make a video for her.
I was viewing it just now, all I can say is that, technology has been advanced! LOL
Relationships? Herh.
:: regards ::
PS: Happy 1st year anniversary Rachel Ngiam. You have made it through. Stronger and wiser =)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
The Wednesday
JJ Lin - He is my idol for a reason.
Still, love. him.
:: regards ::
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Move
I was humming this song so suddenly while I was lying on my bed, wandering around.
It was so sudden that immediately, I google-ed it.
As usual, it brings back ol-good memories.
It's pretty funny that there was this soft voice whispering by my ears last night.
Whenever Mr. E is not around, I will definitely have more time on my own.
Pretty weird is that I actually enjoy having my own sweet time.
He was so busy that we could hardly communicate these days.
I feel that I'm pretty much disconnected with him thou.. =.="
I enjoy my time being alone, but somehow, sometimes the "alone" moments are a little too much.
Well, I understand that he's at "work".
But I would just really want to make some little fuss and then to make him "entertain" me a little?
I didn't mean to lead to any big arguments or sort of things.
It's only 4 working days this week! With my snaking skill, it'll only be 2 days working day!
Do I have to be so anaconda!?
What is my real interest? =|
:: regards ::
PS: Can't wait to step into ChinaHouse this weekend! Fawesome Tiramisu and Chocolate something, I'm coming! I don't care, I just wanna be in ChinaHouse!
PSS: It's good to dream, but you have to go back to reality, to finish what you need to, in order to do what you want to!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
The Exclusive
I was so honored that I was able to be attend an inspiring talk by Nick Vujicic the man without limbs, which was being organised by DUMC.
Of course, the deeds that you do now determines your future.
Which is why I managed to get the tickets actually.
I believe that the way you treat people in the present is the way you will get it back in the future.
I was pretty pretty lucky.
To be able to witness how the man without limbs talking and moving around in front of me.
I saw it with my own naked eyes.
Immediately, I was being touched.
I was amazed.
I could even cry just by seeing him, without having him talking.
I had the urge to really go up the stage and then just give him a hug.
But no, I didn't.
The irony of life is that, you would always do things the way your mind wants you to instead of the heart.
He gives hope to other people through his story.
How could someone be so mighty? So selfless?

There's always Something More...!
Here I am, stranded in the middle of nowhere trying to reach out for something which seems to be out of reach....
It's still there...
I never had to worry about the unforeseeable future.
The roads ahead used to be bright and clear.
But somehow they are now all scattered.
All I can think of is that, would I be afford for all that I wish for?
The usual ones.
I would love to rant.
Please. and. Thank. You!
In need of some inspirations....
Good night peeps!
:: regards ::
PS: I made snow skin mooncake today! And, my fingers are so rough now thanks to the cheapo hand wash my aunt bought. =.="
PSS: Time flies so fast and it's almost 22nd September already. No matter how much the wound has recovered, the scar will always be there. Continual usage of Bio-oil could help? =/
Friday, August 30, 2013
The Big Day
With the big title and the video title, you think that I'm getting in white?
Nah, it's just that, again, I listen to the YouTube mix while working on my spreadsheets.
This song got my attention again. =)
The Canon in D part, the rhythm, Shane's voice, everything blends in so well and nice =)
As long as I live, I love you
People around me have been talking about relationship, marriage and stuffs.
My utarians and colleagues.
Different people do have different perceptions about marriage.
My concept about marriage is very much different from the previous years.
But, with Jim mentioning about pre-wedding photoshoots that day in Instanbul, it does attracts me a little.
Be amazed with Istanbul, Jim's choice =)
My pick =D
I have always been admiring this. All of my life.
Busy with movie, shopping, convocation, and makan trip with my family.
I'm glad that Mr. E could blend along.
Thank you Mr. E for all the effort paid.
I appreciate them loads.
You really did made me a happy happy girl Mr. E.
Thank you very much! =)
Thank you Lil Stitch for have been through all the ups and downs together with me when my tiger was away! =D
You're definitely one such awesome person on Earth, things will be better for the both of us.
Oh ya! I thank God for that I managed to get the tickets to see Nick Vujicic.
He's one such amazing person!
I can't wait to be inspired by him.
More surprises coming up ahead.
All you have to do is just gear up yourself and be prepared to accept the challenges ahead with opened arms.
I'm glad enough to say that I am now one step closer to my colleagues and that I have less hesitation towards what I am heading to.
Thank you for the love and patience showered willingly.
Thank you!
I'm truly blessed!
All you have to do each day before sleep is to be thankful!! =D
Have an awesome weekend ahead peeps!
Life's too short to mourn about!
:: regards ::
PS: I love being me! =D
Friday, August 23, 2013
The Dream Maker
Mr. E's favourite?
Relationship talks about cross influence.
Have you ever...
Have you ever....?
Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?
Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right?
It's August!!
And that I'm getting my third salary soon!
Oh my God. Time really flies.
It flies so fast that I couldn't even get myself armed for the upcoming battle ahead.
Oooppsss! Do I have a battle?
Erm. Yes and No.
I don't really have a battleground that I need to face them all alone.
Plus, the battle that I would be facing will definitely push me through my limits and Hola!
New limits!
Talking about battleground.
I watched "Unbeatable" already.
The sound of silence is definitely a very great soundtrack.
So great that it is able to implant so many thoughtful ideas into your head and to have some nostalgic moments.
It brought me back to old times, looking through the things that have been done.
It's my convocation day tomorrow, 24th August 2013.
I can finally get to meet up with my fellow friends!
Awww I miss them so much.
I remember that I used to say that my uni friends are not "my friends".
They are so far apart from me.
And that we have different mindset.
But, I am glad to have found a bunch of young minds that are so thoughtful and smart!
They are definitely a bunch of friends to die for!
What's with the description?
Oh ya, I had buffet lunch with a very very old friend few days ago.
Well, things are never the same ever since the breakup between me and the second Ex.
We used to be the trio, I never have to fake in front them.
I can just be myself.
Of course, I was so different when I was still in a relationship with him.
And now, when I am no longer with him, Ms. Khoo claimed that I'm very different.
Have I been the real me when I was with him?
Or is it now the real me?
Between the two of us, me and Ms. Khoo, we have not been seeing each others so often as before.
Many reasons why.
I have my busy schedule and dating schedule, she has hers as well.
So yeah, eventually.
Even though that we seldom talk or chat over the phone now and then, we can still talk comfortably when we're together.
Again, I gossiped last few days when we were talking.
Of course I felt so bad for being bad mouthed about others.
But that's why I do for "living". LOL.
Ignore me okay. =P
AAaahhhh....!! I am so happy that I have free Imax 2D tickets for Elysium for tonight!
Couple seat some more!
I am so thrilled.
I get very happy these days.
I got free Baskin Robbins Lava Ice Cream from colleague yesterday.
I got free BurgerLab lunch from boss on the day before.
And now I got free movie tickets for tonight.
Awww... Don't I love being me? =DD
Mr. E, I want unicorn for convo!!
Unicorn unicorn!
Gonna hunt for new shoes for convo tomorrow.
I'm such a last minute person. =O
Have a great weekend ahead kay! =)
:: regards ::
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