Thursday, December 13, 2012


I have been having a great time.
With great people around me.
Splendid moment every day and night with different people.
I'm lucky indeed =)

Thanks for all the love showered =D

:: regards ::


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Flashed back. I once called someone sunshine.
Ha! That moment of life was definitely a devastating ones.
Well, they are all flashed back memories for now.

Times have been both good and bad.
Thanks to the people who has been existing for this moment of life.
Human beings are definitely one meanie scary creature.

I ... practically ...
Ehem, all that I can say is, hanging out with those bunch of rich kids definitely opened up my eyes.
Can you imagine a 20 year old kid having a 1 year old child?
And the wife, is a Thai and she's in her 30s?
That's fascinating.

And, they are not registered husband and wife.
Ohhh ohhh! The world is of so much more for me to explore!

People come and go.
They are just meant to sabotage your life somehow and to mend you and then mold you into something else.
Better or worst? It definitely depends on your own preferences.
On who you want to become.

Whether you like it or not, that's the fact of life.

:: regards ::


ps: Loving him was Red! =P

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Thanks to the background of my studies, there must be an answer for everything.

The fact of life is, not everything has an answer.
You just have to accept that.

Went for a trip to Koh Samui & Hatyai with the relatives few days ago.
It was an awesome experience.
An awesome trip.

I am just too lazy to elaborate.
I'm tired. T.T

:: regards ::


ps: 丑陋的事实,陈诉得再唯美,终究是丑陋的。

Friday, November 9, 2012

A better place called EARTH

Hard times had passed.
I'm getting better. Good =)
Most of the things have come to the senses now.
Everything made perfect sense.

Basically, what's done, is done.
I am welcoming the future with open arms.
Everybody around me loves me.
I know that for sure.

I love them too.
Owh I miss Dellynn Lim the Kuen much.
She's getting better over there in the East.
Can't wait to see her in Jan.
Too bad that I will not be able to spend much time with her over there in Jan.
Too bad.
Thanks to a dear friend.
There will be a chance, soon! =D

Many things are happening to me now.
Be it good or bad, they are happening.
And, its GooD =D

Till then, toodles! :P

:: regards ::


Saturday, October 20, 2012


Decision making can really be a pain in the ass.

Here I am in a position whereby I have to start deciding on what to choose/do.

What do I really want or need?

Sometimes what you think you want might not be what you really want in the end.

I really wish that I do not have to think or to make any decision.

But, I can't keep myself calm when I do have a conclusion myself.

That's torturing. Plain torturing.

I wish whereby someday my brain could just stop functioning.

Hell Life. Hola!


Well basically I enjoy spending time in Pharmacy.

It feels great to be back in the medicinal world, seeing people, different kind of people, knowing how life is for some people, knowing what's seriously happening in the world outside.

Kids. They are fun.
One particular kid just made my day today. And it feels great.
But I cannot imagine having my own kid. That would be torturing!
I mean, one day two days with them would be fun.
You want me to be like, 24/7 with them?
They can really scare the hell out of me.
Not to say scare.
But to actually, torture me, like literally.

LOL. I sound evil. But for sure, I love children. =D
It feels great when the kid I spent time with today can remember my name and birthday!
That feels..... AWESOME. =PP


I don't want night life liao. Once in a while is okay.
But, not every night please.
That's torturing =((

I overspent this two months. Double of what I should be spending. =((

I'm a pain in the ass..

And I do not feel right, right now.
That's torturing!!! T.T
I need to rant!

:: regards ::


ps: Love sent from peninsula to the east of Msia. Please take real good care of yourself. I'll see you when I see you =))

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


For some day some time later, it'll all come to an end.

Went to Old time neighbor's daughter's wedding dinner last night.
It was kinda... bored and odd.

The only thing I can do during such an odd and boring place is, sms-ing and playing games.

What that have came to my realization is that,
parents are definitely irreplaceable.

They willing to just do anything for you.
They're sad when you're sad.
They're happy when you're happy.
Or should I say...
They are more than happy when you're happy.
They are more than sad when you're sad.

Everyone has their own problems.
The one whom we can share our own problems and then come out to a conclusion or solution together is the one we can consider as the soul mate.
When you love someone, you have to accept each and every part of them as if they're yours.

* This was composed on last Sunday, too bad that I did not have enough time so I left everything hanging till now.

I have actually come to a realization.
A realization whereby, each individual is unique and they have different mindset.
WE have to learn and try to accept views from other people.
A tree must somehow learn how to tilt to the direction of sunlight in order to grow.
We can't just go straight all the while, standing still.
That's, LIFE.

Meeting different people each day makes you grow.
Meeting the same people each day makes you grow as well.
There are things that are not always within our control.
We just have to learn to accept them for who they are.
Its hard. But, that's the reality of it.

I'm starting and trying something new now.
Why stay in the comfort zone? Plainly because its comfortable.
But, the sad part of it is that you will never grow when you continue staying in your comfort zone.
Sad. But. True.

Learn how to love yourself before you even start to love others.
You don't know how to love others if you do not know how to love yourself .

There is some realization.
Its something positive.
Which is good.
At least I have a target now. =)

Socializing is hard.
And I'm learning.
I hope its not too late.
I hope.

Have been sleeping late, waking up late lately.
Very much different.

Till then, toodles!

:: regards ::


ps: You know what you want in life =) You create your own luck!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Its pretty irony how stupid human can be.
Really stupid.

Human likes having new things in life, and then go through the process of enjoying it, getting tired of it, getting bored of it, then see new things, then we go for it again.
Repeating the process all over again.

Com'on, life's too short to keep spending time to go through everything over and over again.
Get a life maybe?

This is just pretty irony.
Freshness is good. New is good.
But, what's the point?
Proud that you are eating different interesting food each day?
There will be a day where you'll be forced to stop eating different interesting food.
That's sad.
But, that's just how life is.
Unless, you do not wish to settle down.

Who doesn't want to settle down?
I mean, you'll get bored with the process one day for sure.
Its just the matter of time.
Don't you feel you're pathetic for not having the right one all the time?

Alright. Last night was a crazy night.
Just plain crazy.
I feel girls' power once again.

And I feel, GREAT! xD

:: regards ::


ps: Get a life human. Get a life!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Who YOU Are?

I have been spending much time on socializing and its slowly getting on my nerves.

Everything is part of life.

 It only depends on whether you want to live it or to ignore it.

 To make your life miserable or happy.

There are too much in life that you can live without.

Be it something tangible or intangible, there is something.

People are but humans.

Keep this in mind.

There are good and bad people in life.

They come and go, molding you into someone better/worst, strictly depending on how you view the whole scenario.

For whatever it is, embrace them with a pair of open arms.

Life is too short to be stubborn about.

C'est La Vie.

The more I see, the more I learn.

Life is mainly about learning.

Be it young or old, you're learning each and every single time.

What can I say now is, it's time to be flexible =)

With lots of love throughout, you're too young to be putting yourself into an no-turning-back corner.

Love is in the air people.

:: regards ::


Thursday, October 4, 2012

True Colors?

Deep down inside, "Don't you think that you should be responsible towards me?"

The ironic part of life is,
Words are worthless.
People can just say anything they want.
Without having to pay or to responsible for it.
How pathetic and how weak can words be?

Let this awesome song do the talking further kay? =)

Practically, I have slept for the whole day.
Sleep God just managed to enter me I think.
So tired and sleepy that I could hardly even open my eyes to reply messages.

Past are meant to be past.
Never look back at it?
No, that doesn't apply on me.
I will always look back to improve myself further.
The same thing should not happen twice.

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

What's next? Life goes on.
Jerks exist.
In every single corner.
Trust? They could be shattered till the extend that they never exist.
Responsibility? They are to be swallowed and then what? What's that?

Get a life. Be a Real Man.
Proper explanation? There will never be one.
Real man doesn't hide. They FACE it. They do not IGNORE it.

Suck it all up and make it till the end!

:: regards ::


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


就在太阳底下, 我们都被照射.
经不起考验的爱情, 你稀罕吗?
人, 活得快乐, 自在, 负责任, 面对问题, 不逃避, 做事对得起人, 对得起自己, 决定了绝不后悔..
你, 生活就会变得很有意义! 活得值得!




爱情不是面包,填不饱肚子的 =)



I'm slowly getting myself whole again.
From this time around, I do not need anyone else to make me whole again.
Plainly because, having me myself is more than enough =)

Jeng Jeng.
Proudly saying, I'm Rachel Ngiam Wei Lee =)

:: regards ::


ps: Do appreciate life and people around you before its too late! you do not want the regrets! =D

Monday, October 1, 2012

The First of October

Loha people.

This is Rachel Ngiam, whereby I will be back to blogging.
Abandoning the previous blog and then start a new one.

Life for the past three years have been great.
They will be missed and be remembered.
I don't see any point saying that they were a disaster.

Well, basically I am back to the square one once again.
I am now single, but not available.

I have been missing much about life.
There's both good and bad, strictly depends on how you see it.

Attended a seminar yesterday, and seriously, I'm highly motivated. =D
I hope the motivation prolongs, I do not want to miss that.
It would be such a big waste!

There must be a reason for this breakup to happen.
Be it good or bad, hmmm.
I do not know.
Bad is whereby I'm used to it and I just missed out my Mr. Right which was not that right afterall?
Good is whereby I can open up myself again.

I closed myself up for the past years.
I wasn't dare to do a lot of stuffs, to meet a lot of people, to listen to different things which are happening around. I thought those things were the right thing to do.

I might not be that right it seems.
What I'm gaining now is more than my expectations.
I have been spending much time talking around with many different people.
Hmmm, they are all so good to me.
So good to be true, just like how the relationship was.
Its over and never shall I look back.
Its called a breakup because its broken.

I know, I'm not just convincing myself. I hope.
But this is my true feeling for now.
Thank you for the existence of all the beautiful people.
The world is not that grey after all. =)

I might have lose the "eternal" happiness which I thought to be forever.
But I gained so much more than that for now.
He was rather a disappointment.

I will gain back my true self.
Not now, but one day. =)

:: regards ::


ps: thanks for the concern people. =D