Wednesday, October 10, 2012


For some day some time later, it'll all come to an end.

Went to Old time neighbor's daughter's wedding dinner last night.
It was kinda... bored and odd.

The only thing I can do during such an odd and boring place is, sms-ing and playing games.

What that have came to my realization is that,
parents are definitely irreplaceable.

They willing to just do anything for you.
They're sad when you're sad.
They're happy when you're happy.
Or should I say...
They are more than happy when you're happy.
They are more than sad when you're sad.

Everyone has their own problems.
The one whom we can share our own problems and then come out to a conclusion or solution together is the one we can consider as the soul mate.
When you love someone, you have to accept each and every part of them as if they're yours.

* This was composed on last Sunday, too bad that I did not have enough time so I left everything hanging till now.

I have actually come to a realization.
A realization whereby, each individual is unique and they have different mindset.
WE have to learn and try to accept views from other people.
A tree must somehow learn how to tilt to the direction of sunlight in order to grow.
We can't just go straight all the while, standing still.
That's, LIFE.

Meeting different people each day makes you grow.
Meeting the same people each day makes you grow as well.
There are things that are not always within our control.
We just have to learn to accept them for who they are.
Its hard. But, that's the reality of it.

I'm starting and trying something new now.
Why stay in the comfort zone? Plainly because its comfortable.
But, the sad part of it is that you will never grow when you continue staying in your comfort zone.
Sad. But. True.

Learn how to love yourself before you even start to love others.
You don't know how to love others if you do not know how to love yourself .

There is some realization.
Its something positive.
Which is good.
At least I have a target now. =)

Socializing is hard.
And I'm learning.
I hope its not too late.
I hope.

Have been sleeping late, waking up late lately.
Very much different.

Till then, toodles!

:: regards ::


ps: You know what you want in life =) You create your own luck!

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